Easy Sundays

cross boxSpending Sunday nursing a cold and threading a loom seems a pretty good balance. It’s certainly a distraction and I did it without any hiccups…or sneezes.

The warp is a Tussah silk tweed with lovely shades of warm tones including yellow. I’ve got some handyed Ramie from Japan that will go across it as weft but once I got going changed to silk.  I set up the 4 shaft kit once again on my Saori loom and the six metre warp threaded and beamed in a couple of hours. Such is the friendliness of the loom and tools like the cross box.

wound warp for weavingI threaded the loom 1,2,3,4, with occasional bouts of 1,2,3,4,3,2,1. The idea being to throw in a point twill every now and again. This gives me plain weave plus the option of twill patterning any time and also, more importantly, twill inlay. Twill inlay will sit in the cloth differently to an inlay simply placed into the plain weave shed and seems to layer the colours in this warp in a nice way.

woven fabric with twill inlay

I came across this lovely video of a weaver in Japan. You’ll notice that some aspects of the loom such as the removeable back beam are similar to the Saori looms. I know back beams are removable on many looms but previously within a small craft situation I hadn’t see it. Well, onwards with weaving.


3 thoughts on “Easy Sundays

  • September 20, 2014 at 3:01 am

    beautiful warp!

    also, that video is amazing. i love to see the difference in the tools.

  • September 22, 2014 at 5:06 am

    That yarn is a gorgeous colour! Hope it has chased away the cold.

  • September 23, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    What a lovely video! Your tussah silk looks beautiful. I’ve just woven up 6m on the Saori “Candy Box” warp and it was very interesting to see how the weft interacted with such a multi-coloured warp.

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