Bamboo and Chairs?

The bamboo photo is the most ‘ordinary’ one to my thinking and presents the greatest challenge for exploring ideas for textiles. Trying to relax into enjoying.. perhaps impossibilities, unreasonable weaves and perspectives.Encouraged by Amanda, to develop weave structure based on the photos I’ve now started looking beyond the inital and superficial stripes implied in the photo. What other ideas could be drawn from behind the bamboo curtaining. 

Building a digital mind map below with freemind pointed to more explorations.

I also wanted to try using a technique from Edward de Bono to create new pathways of thinking. This technique involves having a selection of any words – nouns or verbs – and selecting one to start thinking entirely differently and unexpectantly about a topic. Sort of breaking out of my normal patterning in my thinking.The word ‘chair’ came up. How is chair connected to the design problem with the bamboo photo?…comfortable, functional, sturdy, western, collective – gather in groups. The chair as furniture defining how a people use their bodies for comfort and relaxation and also determining the clothing development of a culture. What clothes are imagined with bamboo or an intermitent covering. A translucent weave with areas of opaque weave/fibre. A partial cloth allowing air between….it goes on…..I think I’ll have to come up with another less boring word!

2 thoughts on “Bamboo and Chairs?

  • March 31, 2010 at 12:42 pm

    Loving your colors, as always, and your mind map. Very interesting. Something for me to ponder, definitely!

  • March 31, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    In Japan, did you get to hear the bamboo stems hit one another in the wind, making the soft “boink”sound?

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