Curiousweaver…about handweaving
When someone brightens your sky
Recently a bright event happened. Someone came along and brightened my sky. Just like the Aurora Australis happening in our skies at the moment.
Business Closure
Curiousweaver Studio is closing for business.
Waves again, can’t get enough
Weaving waves must surely have some sort of human connection as it is just so enjoyable. That’s why we are at it again!
Exhibition weave
Combining woven cloth and portraiture drawing is a new direction that is making me turn up for work every day!
Weaving with shaping
Experimental weaving to create a sense of shadow and stiffness in the fabric have recently taken me to interesting places.
Loving that weaving
Colour, handpainting with dyes, new loom and some extra energy in the studio…at last!
The Parramatta!
The Parramatta Tapestry helped me confirm my devotion to the woven cloth and my continuing vocation as a weaver. It is a heart stopper!
Community Weaving – The Picnic Rug
The Weave to Heal Project in Wingham NSW saw 24 weavers contribute to a great community project.
AI ‘opinion’ on Handweaving Today
Chat GPT on Handweaving.”What is the value of Handweaving today?”