Upgrades and a History

Finally I’ve rolled out a new website that will roll me, and my weaving friends, along for a while!

2019 to beyond style

Building a website isn’t easy. I’ve researched, tested, tested, worried and procrastinated for about 18 months before deciding on what might work best for me. Just like when I was doing my uni degree, the house was overcleaned as I procrastinated and delayed every eventual commitment. Universities should take more credit for clean houses when their students are in full procrastination and delay mode.

Nothing is perfect. Nothing does all it should now or with the constant changes on the web and software landscape for future proofing. But this site will help to move more information to weavers in my own quiet, and possibility ineffectual way. It is my 5th website over 17 years. It’s essential to rebuild every so often because of technical and defunct tools, long forgotten sites and stories, and expectations on how we search and use information on the web. Website blogs are now overtaken by social media with fewer words but I wanted to maintain the older style approach here albeit with elements of the scan style reading preferred now.

For micro business craftspeople searching for theme solutions I don’t think you ever readily see one that captures exactly your style and needs easily. I didn’t want a ‘shop’ style approach and wanted to keep my writing and tips. But I wanted extreme flexibility for layout and design changes. Just some of the many tortuous goals on my list! Now its’s done – whew! And I’m working in the background trying to take the past 600 stories into the present. By the time I finish that it will be upgrade renovation time again!

Here’s a few screen shots of my past blogs from 2006.

2006 style

2007 style

2009 style

2014-2019 style

As I rebuild the back of the site from 2006 I will be cleaning up but some posts are still very relevant. Especially those of a tutorial nature. Often links have ‘died’ and you may encounter such things. I take away the link most of the time but other times it seems like an historic connection and you may land on some 404 pages.

I am a bit of a webhead and for all its negative social impacts it really is a remarkable opportunity to build connections. I hope I can now get back to weaving!


