Zoom Weaving

Cams, cameras, lighting, microphones, speakers and perhaps a loom. Getting zoom ready for weaving took me a lot of thinking and pondering. Many years ago at work I did alot of stressful online sessions with Adobe connect and although the software wasn’t the stressful part, Zoom seems a better software platform for delivering weaverly sessions. Or maybe it’s the topic of weaving!

As we are in such an unconnected situation I am offering live Saori introductory sessions based on a selection of very accessible textural and colour techniques. The sessions so far have been great and I’m meeting many new and known weavers and creative artists. I have up to six participants to keep it intimate and accessible even though we’re online through a screen and that may not be a thing.

Each session runs for just over an hour and every participant receives an overview of what we do and a link to the video recording. I’m developing follow up technique style sessions and other interesting demos as I go. I hope you can join us too. The sessions are available to anyone residing in Australia. Session are posted on the learn page, if available.

Working with any style of technique in weaving can be the best of Saori inspired practice. Rather like scales in music, going over the one technique in different ways can be relaxing, adventurous and rewarding. Just when you think you’ve exhausted every possibility, have another go.

If you would like a heads up on planning you can subscribe to my infrequent newsletter here.

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