Weaving with passion and verve

Saori Inspired weavingThe last workshop in the Curiousweaver studio for 2014 came to an end sadly on Sunday. Like a family filling a house making it a home, the studio feels so much better when filled with enthusiastic Saori weaving adventurers. Trying a bit of this and a bit of that, each working to their own rhythm and style.  It’s so fascinating to meet others via the cloth they create. Sometimes, unbeknown to them, I can sense more of where they will travel to with the craft. I was honored to have another participant for her third workshop and her weaving aesthetic has developed to a wonderful place.

More workshops will be arranged for 2015 and will be listed here.

Rouge, as an artist in ceramics and textiles, was experimentive and fluid in her approach by using a painterly approach with her wefts. This was accentuated by bringing along much of her own palette to use. She experimented with a few distinctly Saori approaches in the weave as it grew into a unique art gift for someone close.
Helen used a sweet neutral to purple palette to create a lovely scarf. As a someone new to weaving her hands were attuned to the possibilities at every throw of the shuttle. She also inspired us with her exquisite Kumihimo necklaces. I was so inspired that I set up a card for everyone to learn the 16 strand braid. A great site with a braid generator was recommended by Helen.

Shirley was an experienced spinner who was able to transfer her love of yarn to a cloth that has intricate surprises and wonderment throughout, including serendipitous design features which created more follow on ideas. Like that hole which could be done again….Her work with the travelling supplementary warp thread was particularly  joyful.

Pamela went on a real adventure and took to ‘abseiling without a rope’! Weaving reedless she took a hand painted yarn as a base point then added beautiful textures and different thicknesses to come up with a very exciting textile structure.  She followed this up with a clasped weft in handpainted bamboo tape and yarn using complementaries.

Many of the warps on the looms this time used the reed as an additional design opportunity and provides an instant ‘pattern’ set up that doesn’t interfere with the weavers design. Pretty nifty.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have EVERY person who has used my studio looms gathered  in a place all together. I guess it’s not possible but we can imagine. Thank you to Pamela, Rouge, Shirley and Helen for inspiring me again to keep weaving and creating.





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One response to “Weaving with passion and verve”

  1. Rouge Avatar

    Thanks so much to you Kaz for such an inspiring weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed weaving away with fellow ‘Saori weavers’ Pamela, Shirley and Helen. Best wishes Rouge

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