Paper Saori + Railreed

Many pluses  for me on this weaving project.  Indigo dyed paper yarns, Ikat dyeing and the Railreed working together on the Saori loom. This is a long art piece with monofiliment and other fibres too.  

I’ve written about my other experiments  previously but I think I like this one the best so far. It’s the paper yarn – so crispy yet bendy.  My ikat dyed paper warp really works with the undulations from the railreed.  This type of thing could also be done with the Saori comb reed, or an ondule reed.

I really like using the Railreed, it’s very friendly and quick to change track.  Now I’m on a mission to finish the piece for exhibition.  This piece isn’t only about tools and techniques, though.  The structure and the building of the ikat elements work together for a deeper personal meaning and I think this way of working keeps the work fresh and stimulating when I’m weaving it. It makes me feel hopeful!  I think that hope is a very important element in life and we need to make more of it. We all need it in some form to live a good life.

The studio is now closed for orders until 13 November.  I welcome emails to reserve orders but orders can’t be fulfilled until 13 November. 



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