Weaver in Residence

Fiona at the loom

I have been toying with the idea of offering an intensive weave and textile opportunity within Curiousweaver Studio for some time.  I meet many people who are thirsty for weaving knowledge and intensive exploration on the loom but may not readily fit these things into their lives unless they can have a concentrated period where they can do it. The planned residency will be a self directed one in consultation with me so the most can be made of the time here.  It will also offer the option of additional tuition. The focus is the Saori free way of weaving but can take in other weave structures, dyeing and product development time.

I am delighted to introduce Fiona Durman from Ashculme Textiles, Wagga Wagga as the  first Weaver in Residence at Curiousweaver Studio in March 2019. Fiona has been to a Saori workshop here previously and  earlier this year I went down to Wagga to teach in Fiona’s studio so the fit with Saori and passion for the art of weaving is wonderful. Fiona will be here for a week and will be a guest writer on the blog and on instagram posts. Her  experience in Saori weaving and what she gets up to will be a great story to follow when she is here.



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