Category: Old Bar

  • Old Bar Bushfires and Textile responses

    Old Bar Bushfires and Textile responses

    We’ve been in the bushfires and although all of Old Bar and Wallabi townships were saved there isn’t much left around us and many others have lost their homes in our area. Wildlife loss has also been immense. In the nearly 40 years I’ve been in Old Bar nothing like this or even near this…

  • The Stones of Old Bar Beach

    The Stones of Old Bar Beach

    Old Bar beach is a bit unusual on the coastline of NSW in Australia.  Its incredible cover of stones seem to come from the nearby Manning River, and they gather everywhere then disappear for a few days. Everyone who comes to the studio comments on them. Old Bar Beach is a beachcomber’s delight. The thing…

  • Inspiration Pack Packing

    Inspiration Pack Packing

    Getting inspiration packs ready for the next big workshop tomorrow here in Curiousweaver Studio.  A great group from Morisset are travelling up to be infused with weave and designing their own unique weaves over the next two days. Many will be weavers and certainly spinners amongst them. The studio is expectant with all the looms…