Category: Tools

  • Removing and replacing a SAORI Inside Set

    Removing and replacing a SAORI Inside Set

    Removing, replacing and generally just having the availability of a Saori inside set is wonderful. But the words “inside set” aren’t really descriptive of the function or process of the whole thing. When I first came across this, it was a very new concept to me, at least for a small craft weaver. I know…

  • Question your Swifts

    Question your Swifts

    It always seems a battle for a weaver to get skeins to yarn packages and back again. This has been a constant struggle for me over the years mainly because of a lack of variety and choice in coloured yarns for weavers in Australia and the finer yarns I tend to be attracted to. Many…

  • Warps on holiday

    Warps on holiday

    Dear weavers, don’t you just love a warp going on holiday. The way you can take a warp off the Saori loom, whilst in action, is surely the BEST feature of the looms. The warp pictured has a woven couple of metres in progress but was taken off the loom to make way for another…

  • Cutting edges

    Cutting edges

    The Sakiori (rag) cutter has just arrived and I’m madly stripping all my ‘fabrics to be stripped’ stash. When I first saw the video on how to use it I was wondering if it would be awkward or difficult to manipulate but it really does the work, quickly and with only a light touch. I’ve…

  • Tencel warping

    Tencel warping

    Working with 2/10 tencel and a textured cotton warp rewarded me be a lovely mix ready for threading. It’s 13 metres long which is about the extent of the Saori warping board that I used.  Threading it all up at my table then clipping it onto the loom made it easy, as usual, and the warp…

  • Sustainable Warps

    Sustainable Warps

    Sustainability is everywhere..we’re flooded with it….about the only thing that’s not labelled sustainable is employees. Unfortunately, I’m one of those dinosaurs who thinks that sustainability probably isn’t about buying new products and throwing out the others to landfill (although I am guilty of this). But more about using what you’re got even if you have…

  • Bring Back Doughnuts for Weavers

    Amanda and I had a actual weekend of weave and this is one of the the beautiful presents she brought with her. A ceramic doughnut shaped warp weight from Japan.When I hold this in my hand I’m sent into another dimension – I think of other people and other times where textile production had it’s…