Search results for: “strips”
The Emotional Lure of Paper Yarns
There is a magnetism in paper yarns for weaving and I have had many goes at it. I am probably more interested in actual spun paper yarn than the rolled or folded paper approach but they all have their particular benefits in creating a woven structure. When I was in Kyoto last year I bought…
Upside down fashion theory
The stylish opportunities that Saori woven cloth offer really are intriguing and fun. This top was woven on the purple pre-wound cotton warp and offered lots of opportunities of relaxing and playing with the warp threads. A little bit of stitch directly on the loom, a bit of leno and unbalanced leno to provide a…
Weaving the ABC…plastic yarns
If you are lucky you will have a cupboard full of lovely plastic bags from your purchases. At times I’ve had several very nice thick plastic bags from shops in good colours. It never feels right to just throw them away but there is a limit to how many you can need, in their original…
Cutting edges
The Sakiori (rag) cutter has just arrived and I’m madly stripping all my ‘fabrics to be stripped’ stash. When I first saw the video on how to use it I was wondering if it would be awkward or difficult to manipulate but it really does the work, quickly and with only a light touch. I’ve…
Getting ready for sakiori
I recently came across an inspiring article and sample from the Complex Weavers – Japanese Textile Study group on Sakiori weave. This is a rag weaving technique which uses the weft of old worn kimono strips, recycling them into other woven items or new clothes.
Sticky Inkle Textile Design
I’m teaching a Beginners Weave workshop with Inkle and Saori weaving at Adult Education in Taree on Thursday (10 September) and wanted the participants to explore textile design in a quick, easy, taster sort of way. I thought about coloured pencils and paint but the restricted time of the workshop didn’t really suit this approach.…
Newpaper Yarns – What can Spinners do with the News
I’ve always found the prospect of recyling fibres into yarn fascinating. The emergence of something new for a discard seems so noble! Many years ago I wrote a booklet ‘T-Shirt Yarns‘ (PDF File) based on a workshop by Catherine Mick (Canada) on creating beautiful yarns from stretch fabrics. She was an inspiring woman and I…