Category: Sketch a Saori Weave

  • Sketch a Weave – The Drought

    Sketch a Weave – The Drought

    As I’ve started my weave sketch book I find it’s bringing up new ideas for describing themes or issues that we are living through. In NSW and Queensland there is currently a very severe drought. You can see the current state in NSW here from NSW Dept Primary Industries. We recently did a trip out…

  • Sketch a weave a day…or week…or month

    Sketch a weave a day…or week…or month

    Thank you so much to all of you who responded to ‘Weave with me‘. I’m keeping things relaxed and easy going so we can just enjoy our work as we can fit it into our lives. Weaving is too important to make it a stressed must do process. Viv from Tasmania responded almost immediately and…

  • Weave with Me! Sketch a daily Saori weave

    Weave with Me! Sketch a daily Saori weave

    An invitation Weaving is like any other artistic practice which needs a practice behind it. Saori weaving really is a practice for the hands, mind and body. The process is the practice. In Saori weaving we really don’t sample as we would in more conventional approaches to weaving. We just weave in the moment and…